September falls!

Every time I hear the word September, I somehow end up on the old song, See you in September. It’s a nostalgia thing for me I think. (PS- I am technically too young for Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, but check out that harmony!) I mean, what adult doesn’t recall their own back to […]

Enter August

I’m always stunned when I sit down and try to write updates. Like, wait, how did I lose almost an entire month? Again? It always reminds me of my grandmother telling me how fast time flies when you get older, and how I’d just stared at her, completely not understanding why she thought Halloween and […]

Kindle unlimited adventures!

Ok, I did it! I just took Book 1, Dream of Darkness and have placed it on Kindle unlimited. For those who aren’t familiar with this, it is a program through Amazon that is a subscription service. For the whale readers out there (people who devour 50+ books per year) this is a fabulous solution […]

Launch Day approaches!

Somehow, I’ve made it to the month of June. Traditionally, May is my craziest month of the year due to family stuff, but I worked in the cracks of the day and managed to get book four up for a preorder on all the e-book sites. (Maybe through magic? hard to say!) Book four, Dragons […]