January Goals

Halfway through another January, I’ve already stopped to take a look at my goals and their trajectory, not to mention my rate of respiration. I’m not doing that badly this year, compared to other years, but I think that may be because instead of working on adding to my year I’ve been trying to downsize; […]

Book 5 in t- 4 weeks!

Woot! Exciting news to report! I have actually managed to finish the edits for book 5, and have begged my amazing friends/authors/beta readers to help a gal out with ensuring that I am not missing giant holes that I can lose this book in. Now I get to relax? and spend the weekend driving 12 […]

Enter August

I’m always stunned when I sit down and try to write updates. Like, wait, how did I lose almost an entire month? Again? It always reminds me of my grandmother telling me how fast time flies when you get older, and how I’d just stared at her, completely not understanding why she thought Halloween and […]