Novelettes, Kindle, and Facebook, Oh My!

The last few weeks have been so much fun! I’m slowly expanding my public reach through Facebook author takeover parties. For those who’ve never done these, they are basically a chance to showcase my work and who I am on other Facebook pages to a new audience. Hopefully, they will expose new readers to my […]

Kindle unlimited adventures!

Ok, I did it! I just took Book 1, Dream of Darkness and have placed it on Kindle unlimited. For those who aren’t familiar with this, it is a program through Amazon that is a subscription service. For the whale readers out there (people who devour 50+ books per year) this is a fabulous solution […]

Monday, again

Another Monday. Nothing particularly special about it, except that it’s the last one before book three comes out on March 31st. So, to me, that makes this Monday a little special. I keep thinking about the unreality of the situation. Three books, published in the last 6 months. THREE! I’ve been talking about ‘one day’ […]