Mother’s Day Weekend

I’m not sure when every holiday turned into a weekend, but a few years ago I noticed a sudden creep. Days turned into weekends, then holidays became weeks. Now don’t get me wrong- I like the celebration of chocolate as much as the next writer, but I dislike the extreme commercialism of the buy-buy-buy that […]

Spring, Snow Storms, and Author Events!

Well, it’s been a busy few weeks. The weather has been lovely all week… until today, of course- snow showers/winter storm expected all day, which isn’t the ideal turn of circumstances when you have small kids who want to live at the playground. It did make me feel better about being inside while having some […]

Beware the Ides of March!

The weather is filling me with hope this week, but with the faintest niggling of uncertainty that just like a sibling, it’s merely softening me up to play a trick. It’s consistently been above zero on my way home from work this week. Canadian that I am, I’ve been so warm I’ve left my winter […]