Summer Sun

Another frantic pace on a weekend where the time disappeared, even though technically we had nothing planned and accomplished very little. When you have small children and the first day of summer has just arrived, life gets busy – luckily, in a fun way. With Internet access at a minimum and expensive, since use involves […]

December? What just happened?

I’ve been wondering for the last 11 months where the year was going, but somehow December has snuck up on me again. It shouldn’t be a surprise by now, as it seems to do this every year, but I found that this year was particularly stealthy. Maybe it has something to do with my age, or more […]

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Okay, okay, I know that’s technically a Christmas song. But really, I love this time of the year so much. It has all the chocolate I can eat (and then some!) as well as every book and movie that I would ever want to see. And the most exciting to me today- I just realized […]

Musing about marketing

What? Where did the month go? It’s been a rush of work and family, and I haven’t gotten nearly as much writing in as I’d hoped. I did, however, manage to get the revisions for book 3 done and it is currently in the wonderful hands of some amazing ladies who’ve volunteered to be beta […]